I can't quite resist this, it having been passed on to me by one of my lovely Hungarian Facebook friends. First the Hungarian:
Annyira szépen beszélt a miniszterelnök úr tegnap a parlamentben az új magyar államrendszerről. Tényleg csak az új családmodell fölvázolása hiányzott. Szerencse,hogy Varga képviselő úr fölvilágosítást nyújtott…
talán az anyáknak vissza kéne térniük a gyereknevelés mellé, szülni két-három vagy inkább négy-öt gyereket, és akkor lenne értelme annak, hogy jobban megbecsülnék egymást, és fel sem merülhetne a családon belüli erőszak…”
…majd ha mindenki megszülte a maga két-három vagy négy gyerekét, akkor mehet önmegvalósítani meg emancipálódni…”
The Prime Minister made such a lovely speech about the new constitution yesterday in Parliament. Really, the only thing missing was a plan for the new model family. Fortunately Representative Varga [of the governing party, Fidesz] was on hand to offer enlightenment in this respect too.
...maybe mothers should go back to child-rearing, have two or three, or preferably four or five children, then there would be a reason for us to respect each other better and there would be no more domestic violence...
...and then, once everyone [every woman, that is] has had her two or three, or four children, then she could seek to realise her gifts and find emancipation..
So now you know, girls. Forget about careers, forget about everything. Four or five children are the least the country expects. That will put an end to domestic violence and everyone will get on so much better.
But why stop at four or five. Go for double figures!
Hmn, sounds very similar to what my old high school's careers teacher told me.
That forward thinking chap would probably appreciate a page or two out of our Irish Constitution for a 'Republic under God' (this actually is still in there)...
Article 41.2
1° [...] the State recognises that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved.
2° The State shall, therefore, endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home.
unfortunately the dark grey background of the page makes it almost impossible to read. Was is on purpose?
You must be reading it on an iPhone? There's no problem on a computer screen. I can read it fine on the phone too on a background of grey and haven't had any complaints so far. It's one of Blogger's standard templates.
George, you might enjoy my last 2 posts at P-i-R. My 3rd post, yet to be posted, in this series concerns an artist from Bratislava and it may also be of interest to you. Ciao. G.
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