Friday, 27 June 2014

Nostalgia, Homeache:
Worlds Literature Festival (10)

Homeache. The soldier with his distances. The liar with his indulgences.
The noise of deserted streets. Open mouths.


You hold the homeache in your hand as if it were yours, as if your hands were yours,
as if you had hands, as if you had a home.


You feel unjustified. You don't recognise the madness in your veins.
The aching in your arms is for a home beyond arms' length.


Homeache is a city suddenly empty. A familiar unidentified smell.
The self gone missing finds itself unmoored. A shower of faint stars.


I can no longer count its streets, says a voice you recognise.
These are your streets. They are too many to count. They are yours to lose.


How many ways of recognising home without inhabiting it?
Without ever having inhabited it?
Who lives there now? Whose eyes meet its people?


After the rain the dry street. In the dead of night a sound settling into life.
That too is an ache seeking a home. Then the sound of rain.


It’s like ringing a bell at night. No one hears it, not even the bell ringer.
No, not even you. Yet it's there because you recognise it.


Homeache can't perfect itself. It can't even move.
It makes sculptures out of absence. It is its own lost art.


Homeache: the fierce wind wrapping itself around trees and eaves.


The consolations of being consoled. Of being able to conceive of consolation.
Of a home to ache for. Of phantom limbs.


How many ways of making the beautiful out of lack? Why desire the beautiful?
Would home be beautiful? Would it ache? Would it desire?


You have arrived home. You take off your coat. You move down the hall.
Your body aches. The ache becomes your home. You close the door.

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