Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Etta's Week 3: Some poem links and true empowerment

Security... the appearance of too much of which is bad for you...


New GS on web:

In today's Poetry Daily, the 'Palladio' poem;

Poetry Daily also carries this article about the New and Collected by John Taylor, originally in the new Antioch Review;

As also at Poetry Daily a substantial biog note, though much of that is scattered here and there on this site anyway.

Elsewhere, at Poetry magazine of the Poetry Foundation, this prose piece about walking...


Email ad received:

The Procreators are creating Pro's

Business & Entertainment

It's a mere fact that women of today's society are raising the bar for both species. They are sitting at the head of both tables; in homes and offices. On-call 24 hours a day, they stand at attention willing and able to conquer any battle faced with. They are often the sole providers for their families and the backbone for thieir spouses or mates. The challenging obstacles they're faced with on a daily becomes meaningless; as they continue to acheive with our without those who chose not to believe...

Bernice B****

Are You Ready To Change Your Life???

As of November 2009, I have added another title beneath my belt. I am a new business owner and Image Consultant with Ardyss International Inc,. Most of you have heard the saying, "Drop 2-3 Sizes In 10 Minutes" as seen on NBC! It has become a household saying that I am happy to say I'm a part of. Together, we are changing and saving peoples lives. We are reaching out to people, giving them their first opportunity to make a permanent change.

Join the movement. Become a team player with

A**** Image Consultant / Distributer

Bernice B****

Change Your Life Now

An interesting pitch. 'It's a mere fact...' is a fine start. Dropping 2-3 sizes in 10 minutes might mean gaining three question marks in one sentence, of course. Almost a century of struggle now nearing its end. Only within 2 or 3 sizes of it! Fat is a feminist tissue!


The Plump said...

Now going up 2-3 sizes is something I am an expert on. Takes a bit more than ten minutes though.

George S said...

Just takes a bit of training and Positive Thinking, Plump. Mind you there is somewhere a Hungarian short story about a man who enters a plum dumpling eating contest (plum dumpling is one of the great delicious experiences of the world). He gets up to forty or so. I fear it doesn't do him any good. Trying to run before he can walk, I suppose... Well, bolt anyway.

Coirí Filíochta said...

Very impressed with the piece in Poetry S.

I originally responded at at the PF site, but i have fallen foul of a Chicago kiss-ass mousing a once very vibrant blog, prior to it collapsing when three American posters on a mission of redress, where bundled off-stage on 9/1, simultaenously stilletoed into silence with one click, all three having broken no rule, eloquently - and the free exchange shrivelled up to one sentence one liners, between the usual bores who are quite bonkers, now the three men making the wrong kind of copy, were removed by a minor rival in the throes of imagining.


I didn't realise this morning when I arrived at the text via your blog; that it was what it is: a spontaneous mono-sentence and composition which flows truthfully avant-garde.

This is not common in people of our age - to find truly flush and free writing with a scrupulous regard for the elevation in Letters that lead to this nous, transmuted into what knack and know we practise here in the us state/s, in the home of Modernist practice.

What drew me here, was the Freedom to be, oftentimes absent, but not in the place you describe with such heart-rendering accuracy; yet which the tenor of, is all pro- poetry business all rounder, whose art-school began with images and the poetry of life weaving within and without, what fabric wounds all as one species of Humanity and the Individual hi-spec US.


This morning, i, as an experimentalist, visited and thought there'd been a cock up and it had beein formatted incorrectly; and if I'd not returned would have misgrapsed entirely what the Art there is, george.

Green thumbs up, a silent dumb show of connection, is all one can adminsiter as a response to this performance in print of the levers secretly depressing into uplift by sheer force and shape of your uniquely you Language, that I have always been a fan of since first I copped on you are the only one straddling the splash between two trans-atlantic generations of new and old po-biz fiends, whose only gift is Eloquence.

Thanks very much.