The three Newcastle lectures now published by Bloodaxe under the title, Fortinbras at the Fishhouses: the Iron Curtain and the Sense of History as Knowledge. The three essays do make a conscious arc. And how can you resist that face? (Don't tell me: it's easy.)
Do I detect the tiniest hint of a well disguised smile there, George? Good luck with the book.
I hope it sells well - it's going on my ever-lengthening wishlist.
Thank you, both. It's a bit of a mouthful of a title.
Tomorrow The Burning of the Books appears.
The man is made of books. Every word a page.
Good luck with both new books. I drove straight through the Hungarian iron curtain 3 days ago at Klingenbach in brilliant sunshine. Not even a stray dog to be seen. I had the place to myself. An almost eerie feeling.
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