Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Back from...Sheffield

...On the subject of which more later, but I am pretty exhausted. The details of my exhaustion are not particularly interesting. It starts in the legs with me, the calves you see, those poor calves, oh and you too? Seriously? I should go and see a doctor about that...

So there it was. Interesting.

Tomorrow I will be properly compos mentis / compost menthol / compass manhole / competent mantis... Help yourself to a Joyceanism. I'd give you more if it wasn't for these calves. Did I mention the calves?


Iankinha said...

Leiam meu blog http://oluansantanablog.blogspot.com/ . Espero que gostem Beijinhooos

Rachel Phillips said...

Why don't you just stick to football.

George S said...

Why don't you just go to a football blog?