Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Crab Doctor and the Lobster:
A Maritime Film Noir 3

Scene 3: Of Langoustine, of her enticements and mysteries

The doctor was examining his claws. You need a manicure, sweetheart, said Langoustine.  Think of the hygene aspects. Think of the shame.


Langoustine took out her orange claw varnish. It was called Moroccan Dawn.


Langoustine's orange lipstick was called Blistering Desire. She used it on Saturdays. The North Sea was a hard place for a single lobster.


Langoustine's orange eye make-up was called Marine Embers. It was foxy and glitz. There was not much call for it.


Langoustine's body colour was orange. The ointment was originally branded as Hot Shrimp. But Hot Sea was better. Hot Sea sold really well.


Ach du lieber Langoustine, sang the doctor in a cracked, crab-baritone. Was this love? Or was it just the spell of her Magic Rust mascara?


The contents of Langoustine's handbag: A bottle of perfume named Sweet Anemone. A pot of glitter marketed under the name: Northern Lights...


Further items in Langoustine's handbag: Killer Shark Lipstick. Watershot silk handkerchief.  A six chamber Smith and Wesson lady's waterpistol.


Rermaining items in Langoustine's handbag. A piece of coral. A soaked stamp. Steel claw polish. Torn ticket to a show on Cromer Pier.


And three more NEPHROPS cards, water-sealed, deadly, one marked with an unreadable set of numbers. A teardrop in amber.

To be continued!

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